Can Tree Removal Help to Increase the Value of Your Property?

27 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog


If you add the right tree to your property, you can gain a multitude of benefits. For instance, trees can help to lower your energy bills, reduce noise pollution and improve privacy. All these advantages add value to a property. But some trees can reduce the value of a property, too.

If you want to add value to your property, assess the trees on your property. Sometimes, tree removal can actually add value to a property. To work out if your tree might be harming your property value, assess the following areas.

Some tree species can cause property damage

The first factor to assess is how a tree species affects — or will affect — your property. Some property owners plant tree species that don't suit their surroundings. Because of that, once those trees mature, they could eventually damage the property upon which they grow.

Some tree species have high water demands. These trees can cause havoc to water pipes on small properties. For instance, if your property is on the small side, then you should consider removing any of the following water-demanding species from your property:

  • Eucalyptus
  • Poplar
  • Willow
  • Elm
  • Aspen
  • Oak

And you need to consider the size that your trees will grow to because certain tree species may be too big for your property. If a tree species is wrong for your property, tree removal may increase your property's value.

Improper tree positioning can lower property value

The position of a tree on your property is also important for property value. Consider removing a tree from your property if:

  • It may grow tall enough to damage your roof.
  • It is close to a boundary wall or fence.
  • Its roots are interfering with a nearby structure, like a driveway.
  • It may become a hazard to passersby.

Removing a badly positioned tree will likely improve your property value.

Declining tree health is a potential problem

If a tree on your property is in failing health, then that tree may one day pose a safety hazard to you and your neighbours. Check the tree for pests and diseases. If you see signs of pests or disease, consider hiring an arborist to assess the tree. This is a wise move because when a tree declines in health, it could fall, drop a branch or even split in strong winds.

Unhealthy trees also have a negative impact on the beauty of their surroundings, especially in an urban environment. If you have an unhealthy tree on your property and you cannot improve that tree's health, you may need to remove it in order to improve the value of your property.

These are three of the most common factors to assess when considering tree removal. And if you do need to remove a tree to improve the value of your property, you can improve that value even further by adding another tree at a later date.