Three Fundamental Guidelines for Preparing for Tree Removal

14 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog


Old and diseased trees can cause safety hazards on residential property. These trees might collapse due to internal damage and cause harm to buildings and the people around the home. Moreover, the compromised tree could attract dangerous pests like termites. These creatures could spread to the house and wreak havoc. You can avoid these problems through the removal of the affected trees. Here are some crucial tips to remember when preparing for the project.

Assess the Tree Condition

You should inspect the damaged tree before moving forward with the removal. Trees take a long time to grow, and they enhance the landscape of a home. Therefore, you must consider the possibility of saving your plant. If the tree has been attacked by pests or diseases, inquire about managing these issues through the use of pesticide or better plant care. If the tree has grown out of control, consult your chosen tree service on pruning.

Check the Restrictions

The removal of trees has a significant impact on the natural environment. If people cut down trees without scruples, the effect on the local surroundings could be dangerous. Restrictions are imposed on the felling of trees on residential property to prevent the degradation of the environment. As a result, you will require a permit before cutting down the problematic plant unless the species in question is exempt in your local area.

This document is issued by the local council, so you should consult them during the planning phase. For the best results, review the local regulations on tree felling. If you are not prepared to deal with the permit procedures, contact your tree service provider. These specialists often handle the applications on behalf of homeowners. Their experience will increase the chances of getting your permit approved, and this choice might shorten the timeline.

Plan for Stump Removal

Tree felling using the standard methods often leaves a stump. This remnant might seem harmless after the removal of your tree, but the danger will escalate with time. The obvious problem is the risk of injury due to tripping over the obstacle. However, the consequences of a rotting stump are also quite serious. Harmful organisms like poisonous fungi can grow in the rotting material. The area could also harbour disease-causing microorganisms. Additionally, termites are attracted to deadwood. Therefore, plan for immediate stump removal where possible. Your tree removal company can handle the work. Alternatively, you can rent a stump grinder or use chemicals to wear down the remaining tree material. 

For more information, contact a local tree removal service.