Tree Pruning Tips For Homeowners

23 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog


Pruning trees is an essential part of a tree maintenance regimen. Dead and unpruned trees in your yard can be a real eyesore. Notably, pruning ensures that trees grow healthy and thrive all year round. Homeowners run the risk of dwarfing the beauty of lush and manicured lawns if trees are left unpruned. Therefore, pruning trees not only improves the aesthetic appeal of your home but also reduces the risk of potential damage caused by falling branches. Homeowners should know that although pruning can be a DIY project, it is much easier and safer to consult an experienced arborist. Here are some tree pruning tips for homeowners.

Pruning Technique

The condition of a tree determines the technique used for pruning it. For instance, thinning allows light to penetrate a tree canopy. The pruning removes some foliage and deadweight around branches without affecting the shape of a tree. Another pruning method emphasizes removing dying branches to allow a tree to thrive at a reasonable rate. Another variant of the thinning technique entails raising or removing a tree's lower branches to create extra room underneath. Some homeowners might opt for a pruning technique that reduces a tree's overall space to reduce clutter.


Some circumstances can cause a tree to be pruned at any time of the year, including removing dead, overlapping and damaged branches, which pose a danger to a property and its occupants. However, in most instances, tree pruning should be conducted at specific times in a year. Thinning of trees that flower during the summer should be done in early spring or late winter when the trees are dormant. Besides, the absence of foliage during dormant seasons allows easy access to a tree's woody structure. Alternatively, trees that flower during the spring, like some woody shrubs, should be pruned immediately after they fade their blossoms in early summer or late spring. Trees that produce excess sap should only be thinned after developing leaves. Notably, pruning cuts can stress a tree, making it vulnerable to pests and diseases.

Pruning Tools

Using the right tool can make or break a tree pruning project. That is why professional tree pruning experts use the right-sized tools, which are sharp and clean, to make a clean cut for natural and quick healing. Since the transfer of diseases and pests from tree to tree is possible, always use sharp tools devoid of rust and dirt. Some of the standard pruning tools include pruning blades, saws, shears and loppers. For example, a pruning saw is suitable for cutting branches wider than a few centimetres, while smaller and hard-to-reach branches can be trimmed using a lopper.

Contact a tree pruning company for more information.