Two reasons why a zookeeper might need to get a tree removed from their zoo

22 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Whilst trees serve a multitude of functions in a zoo, some of them can occasionally cause problems that may result in a zookeeper having to call in a tree removal specialist. Here are a couple of scenarios that might lead to a zookeeper making this decision.

The tree is acting as a 'bridge' between two enclosures

If a tree in one enclosure has begun to grow into an adjacent enclosure, then a zookeeper might have to get it removed. The reason for this is as follows; in this instance, the tree might serve as a bridge between these two enclosures and allow the animals in one of them to climb into the other enclosure.

At best, this could be a nuisance for the zookeeper, as they would then have to repeatedly retrieve the escaped animals and putting them back in their own living area. At worst, it might result in these animals attacking (or being attacked by) the creatures who reside in the adjacent enclosure. The latter could result in the zookeeper having to have the wounded animals treated by the zoo's veterinary team.

Although the zookeeper could arrange for a tree company to periodically lop off the branches that are growing past the first enclosure's boundaries and into the second enclosure, it would probably be more cost-effective and efficient to get rid of this tree altogether.

A tree is bearing lots of fruit which is being eaten to excess by nearby monkeys

If a tree is in a monkey enclosure and it bears lots of fruit, then it is almost inevitable that the monkeys will consume this fruit (as virtually all monkeys are fond of this particular food). This could present a problem for the zookeeper, if they are trying to feed the monkeys a specific diet that is, for example, low in sugar, or if they're trying to avoid overfeeding them (as the combination of the food the monkeys are given by the zookeeper, and the fruit they eat from this tree, might result in them consuming too many calories).

Even if the zookeeper collects the fallen fruit every day, the monkeys may still end up eating some, as they will, of course, be able to climb the tree and pick the fruit directly from the branches, before it falls. As such, it would be better for the zookeeper to ask a tree company to take down this tree.

For more information, reach out to a local tree removal company.