Do You Need A Tree Lopper? Three Signs Your Garden Is Crying Out For One

13 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Tree loppers have been a part of the horticultural landscape of Australia for hundreds of years. It has long been established that sometimes trees need a good pruning to maintain healthy growth patterns and stay refreshed. But how do you know when your tree needs to be lopped? Millions of Australians don't know how to read the signs of their trees well enough to know when to call for a tree lopper. Not to worry, as there are three common signs that once you know about are impossible to miss.

Blocking Other Plants

Sometimes a tree can grow so well that its leaves and branches start blocking the sunlight off of other surrounding plants. You will know this is starting to happen in two ways:

  • Plants around your tree start dying for seemingly no reason. This includes your grass, depending on what species you have (some grass thrives in shade).
  • Plants which usually flowered or went through seasonal cycles are no longer doing so. They might not be dead, but they are not far off.

If you see either of these things happening, then a tree lopper should be the first number you call before it is too late.

After A Storm

If your garden has recently survived a rough storm the last thing you are probably thinking about is whether this storm caused structural damage to your trees. If you see snapped branches or trees that are standing at weird angles after a storm this could be a sign that the tree is too large for its own good. This means the storm has used the leaves of the tree and long wingspan as a sort of sail and another storm will likely do so again. A tree lopper will prune your trees to a respectable level so that they are not a danger to your home or garden during the next storm.

Your Tree Has Stagnated

A tree can fall into a bad routine for a variety of reasons. Perhaps a fungal infection has overtaken a part of its extremities or the tree isn't getting enough nutrients to keep going through seasonal changes. Whatever the case may be the tree could be close to dying at this stage and that is the last thing you want. By strategically removing part of the trees leaves and branches, you can try to stimulate it back into a regular pattern. In that way, a tree lopper is kind of performing tree surgery.