Choosing the right tree removal service

24 February 2020
 Categories: , Blog


While it's tempting to try to remove the trees on your property without professional help, it's not always a good idea. There are several obstacles you need to overcome. For example, do the local authorities allow you to fell trees and do you have the right equipment for the job? Do you have experience felling trees? Have you prepared your property and surroundings for tree felling? This why you need tree removal services. How do you choose a tree removal service?

i.    Insurance and Liability

Tree felling is a dangerous job, and anything can happen during the process. One of the workers could get injured, or the tree could damage your property. Sometimes the tree removal service involves climbing trees that are close to power lines. There are so many things that could go wrong, which is why the service provider needs insurance. Check that the company is insured as the chances of injuries and damages are quite high.

ii.    Certification

Is the company certified, accredited and licensed to perform tree removal services? Accreditation shows that the company is reliable, compliant with industry standards and trains its employees. It also shows that the company is committed to providing tree removal services that meet the client's needs.

iii.    Proper Equipment

Ask about the equipment they'll use to cut your trees. Ensure that they have the tools to handle the kind of tree removal you want. Communication is vital in this project. You want to ensure that they understand your needs and have the tools to execute the project as desired.

iv.    Reputation

Do your research, ask around for referrals and check reviews online. Ask your neighbours who have used the service to rate the kind of service that was offered. Check tree removal service forums for discussions and experiences with the company. Check for negative comments and reviews where clients are complaining about the service or company. If the company doesn't have reviews, ask for references.

v.    Charges

How much is the company charging for the service? Is it too high or too low? If the price is higher than your budget, then look for another company. If it's too low, conduct research to know why the price is that low. Do they have inexperienced workers, or do they lack the necessary certifications and licenses? Are they capable of handling the project to completion? Preferably choose a company that is offering the service at a reasonable price.